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The 2030 Agenda approved by the United Nations is the first strategic plan for the Sustainable Development of the Planet. It is a serious, professional, rigorous and approachable document with ambitious and realistic goals whose achievement will mean achieving an inclusive economic growth model that meets the needs of the present without compromising its viability for future generations.
It has been written with the participation of the 193 UN Member States and representatives of global civil society. This plurality of actors has offered perspective to the complexity of the challenges facing the world, which the document specifies in 17 objectives.
They are ambitious and interrelated, so that we can only move forward if we promote an alliance between the three sectors: government, private sector and civil society. Inclusive alliances built on principles and values, a vision and shared goals that place the person and the planet at the center. Alliances for the achievement of the objectives (SDG17) and that the Association, as a platform that promotes the collaboration of the sector, is especially well positioned to facilitate.
A new mentality, a new approach to problems, that pays attention to considerations related to social inclusion and the conservation and sustainability of the planet is also necessary.
The foundations, for their purposes of general interest, carry out numerous activities related to sustainable development, the fight against poverty and social inclusion, health or the promotion of quality education and employment, among others. In addition, by not subjecting to the short-term pressures of markets or elections, they can experience and offer society new ways of addressing a problem, with longer time horizons and less pressure. Solutions that can serve as valid references and momentum for similar, public and private initiatives
The Association has included the SDGs in its strategy and we hope that the Spanish foundations include them in theirs. That is why we dedicate this number of Notebooks to the SDGs, to spread experiences of foundations that have already linked their activity with the SDGs, so that they serve as a reference.
Although attention to the purposes of general interest is in the DNA of the foundations, we are aware that not all SDGs can be relevant in all cases or organizations, so they should prioritize those that are related to their mission and their capacities
The integration of these objectives with your activity can be used to identify opportunities. You can also establish a common language that allows the start of collaborative projects with other actors from other sectors. In any case, we are convinced that integrating the SDGs with your activity will contribute to improving its impact and social legitimacy.